Applications – Make MWA Incoh Beam


usage: make_mwa_incoh_beam [OPTIONS]

Required options

Short option Long option Description
-m –metafits=FILE FILE is the metafits file for the target observation

Input & output options

Short option Long option Description Default value
-b –begin=GPSTIME Begin time of observation, in GPS seconds. If GPSTIME starts with a '+' or a '-', then the time is taken relative to the start or end of the observation respectively. +0
-d –data-location=PATH PATH is the directory containing the recombined data [current directory]
-f –coarse-chan=CHAN Coarse channel number. If CHAN starts with a '+' or a '-', then the channel is taken relative to the first or last channel in the observation respectively. Otherwise, it is treated as a receiver channel number (0-255) +0
-o –outfile The base name for the output PSRFITS file <PROJECT>_<OBSID>_incoh_ch<CHAN>
-S –max_output_t=SECS Maximum number of SECS per output FITS file 200
-T –nseconds=VAL Process VAL seconds of data [as many as possible]

Other options

Short option Long option Description
-h –help Print this help and exit
-V –version Print version number and exit