jones.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mwalib.h>
#include "vcsbeam.h"
#include "gpu_macros.h"
Include dependency graph for jones.c:


void vmSetPolIdxLists (vcsbeam_context *vm)
 Creates arrays of indexes for antennas and polarisation according to the ordering used in legacy VCS observations. More...
void vmCalcJ (vcsbeam_context *vm)
 Computes the (inverse) Jones matrix \({\bf J}^{-1} = \left({\bf D}{\bf B}\right)^{-1}\). More...
void vmCalcJonesAndDelays (vcsbeam_context *vm, double *ras_hours, double *decs_degs, beam_geom *beam_geom_vals)
 Wrapper function for vmCalcPhi(), vmCalcB(), and vmCalcJ(). More...
void cp2x2 (gpuDoubleComplex *Min, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Copies a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix. More...
gpuDoubleComplex reciprocal_complex (gpuDoubleComplex z)
 Computes the reciprocal of a complex number. More...
gpuDoubleComplex negate_complex (gpuDoubleComplex z)
 Computes the negative of a complex number. More...
void inv2x2 (gpuDoubleComplex *Min, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Computes the inverse of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix. More...
void inv2x2d (double *Min, double *Mout)
 Computes the inverse of a \(2\times2\) real-valued matrix. More...
void inv2x2S (gpuDoubleComplex *Min, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Computes the inverse of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix. More...
void mult2x2d (gpuDoubleComplex *M1, gpuDoubleComplex *M2, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Performs a matrix multiplication of two \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrices. More...
void mult2x2d_RxC (double *M1, gpuDoubleComplex *M2, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Performs a matrix multiplication of a \(2\times2\) real-valued matrix (on the left) with a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix (on the right). More...
void mult2x2d_CxR (gpuDoubleComplex *M1, double *M2, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Performs a matrix multiplication of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix (on the left) with a \(2\times2\) real-valued matrix (on the right). More...
void conj2x2 (gpuDoubleComplex *M, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Computes the conjugate of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix. More...
double norm2x2 (gpuDoubleComplex *M, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Normalises a \(2\times2\) matrix via the Frobenius norm. More...
void reverse2x2 (gpuDoubleComplex *M, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Reverses the elements of a \(2\times2\) matrix. More...
void swaprows2x2 (gpuDoubleComplex *M, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Swaps the rows of a \(2\times2\) matrix. More...
void swapcols2x2 (gpuDoubleComplex *M, gpuDoubleComplex *Mout)
 Swaps the columns of a \(2\times2\) matrix. More...
bool is2x2zero (gpuDoubleComplex *M)
 Returns true if and only if all elements of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix are identically zero. More...
void calc_hermitian (gpuDoubleComplex *M, gpuDoubleComplex *H)
 Computes the Hermitian (i.e. More...
void calc_coherency_matrix (gpuDoubleComplex *M, gpuDoubleComplex *C)
 Computes the coherency matrix of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix. More...
void fprintf_complex_matrix (FILE *fout, gpuDoubleComplex *M)
 Prints a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix. More...

Function Documentation

◆ calc_coherency_matrix()

void calc_coherency_matrix ( gpuDoubleComplex *  M,
gpuDoubleComplex *  C 

Computes the coherency matrix of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix.

MThe input matrix, \({\bf M}\).
[out]CThe output matrix, \({\bf C} = {\bf M}{\bf M}^\dagger\).

It is safe for M and C to point to the same matrix.

◆ calc_hermitian()

void calc_hermitian ( gpuDoubleComplex *  M,
gpuDoubleComplex *  H 

Computes the Hermitian (i.e.

conjugate transpose) of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix.

MThe input matrix, \({\bf M}\).
[out]HThe output matrix, \({\bf H} = {\bf M}^\dagger\).

It is safe for M and H to point to the same matrix.

◆ conj2x2()

void conj2x2 ( gpuDoubleComplex *  M,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Computes the conjugate of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix.

MThe input matrix, \({\bf M}\).
[out]MoutThe output matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{out} = {\bf M}^\ast\).

It is safe for M and Mout to point to the same matrix.

◆ cp2x2()

void cp2x2 ( gpuDoubleComplex *  Min,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Copies a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix.

MinThe source matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{in}\).
[out]MoutThe destination matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{out} = {\bf M}_\text{in}\).

◆ fprintf_complex_matrix()

void fprintf_complex_matrix ( FILE *  fout,
gpuDoubleComplex *  M 

Prints a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix.

foutThe file stream to output to
MThe matrix to print

The output format is

[ a+b*i, c+d*i; e+f*i, g+h*i ]

and a newline is printed at the end.

◆ inv2x2()

void inv2x2 ( gpuDoubleComplex *  Min,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Computes the inverse of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix.

MinThe input matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{in}\).
[out]MoutThe output matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{out} = {\bf M}_\text{in}^{-1}\)

◆ inv2x2d()

void inv2x2d ( double *  Min,
double *  Mout 

Computes the inverse of a \(2\times2\) real-valued matrix.

MinThe input matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{in}\)
[out]MoutThe output matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{out} = {\bf M}_\text{in}^{-1}\).

◆ inv2x2S()

void inv2x2S ( gpuDoubleComplex *  Min,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Computes the inverse of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix.

MinThe input matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{in}\)
[out]MoutThe output matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{out} = {\bf M}_\text{in}^{-1}\)
See also
Does this do the same thing as inv2x2()? Check the code, and delete if not needed.

◆ is2x2zero()

bool is2x2zero ( gpuDoubleComplex *  M)

Returns true if and only if all elements of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix are identically zero.

MThe matrix to be tested, \({\bf M}\).

◆ mult2x2d()

void mult2x2d ( gpuDoubleComplex *  M1,
gpuDoubleComplex *  M2,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Performs a matrix multiplication of two \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrices.

M1The first input matrix, \({\bf M}_1\)
M2The second input matrix, \({\bf M}_2\)
[out]MoutThe output matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{out} = {\bf M}_1 \times {\bf M}_2\).

◆ mult2x2d_CxR()

void mult2x2d_CxR ( gpuDoubleComplex *  M1,
double *  M2,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Performs a matrix multiplication of a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix (on the left) with a \(2\times2\) real-valued matrix (on the right).

M1The first input matrix (complex-valued), \({\bf M}_1\)
M2The second input matrix (real-valued), \({\bf M}_2\)
[out]MoutThe output matrix (complex-valued), \({\bf M}_\text{out} = {\bf M}_1 \times {\bf M}_2\).

◆ mult2x2d_RxC()

void mult2x2d_RxC ( double *  M1,
gpuDoubleComplex *  M2,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Performs a matrix multiplication of a \(2\times2\) real-valued matrix (on the left) with a \(2\times2\) complex-valued matrix (on the right).

M1The first input matrix (real-valued), \({\bf M}_1\)
M2The second input matrix (complex-valued), \({\bf M}_2\)
[out]MoutThe output matrix (complex-valued), \({\bf M}_\text{out} = {\bf M}_1 \times {\bf M}_2\).

◆ negate_complex()

gpuDoubleComplex negate_complex ( gpuDoubleComplex  z)

Computes the negative of a complex number.

zA complex number

◆ norm2x2()

double norm2x2 ( gpuDoubleComplex *  M,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Normalises a \(2\times2\) matrix via the Frobenius norm.

MThe input matrix, \({\bf M}\).
[out]MoutThe output matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{out} = |{\bf M}_\text{in}|\).

It is safe for M and Mout to point to the same matrix.

◆ reciprocal_complex()

gpuDoubleComplex reciprocal_complex ( gpuDoubleComplex  z)

Computes the reciprocal of a complex number.

zA complex number

◆ reverse2x2()

void reverse2x2 ( gpuDoubleComplex *  M,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Reverses the elements of a \(2\times2\) matrix.

MThe input matrix, \({\bf M}\).
[out]MoutThe output matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{out}\).

\[\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 2 & 3\end{bmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 3 & 2 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}\]

It is safe for M and Mout to point to the same matrix.

◆ swapcols2x2()

void swapcols2x2 ( gpuDoubleComplex *  M,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Swaps the columns of a \(2\times2\) matrix.

MThe input matrix, \({\bf M}\).
[out]MoutThe output matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{out}\).

\[\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 2 & 3\end{bmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 3 & 2 \end{bmatrix}\]

It is safe for M and Mout to point to the same matrix.

◆ swaprows2x2()

void swaprows2x2 ( gpuDoubleComplex *  M,
gpuDoubleComplex *  Mout 

Swaps the rows of a \(2\times2\) matrix.

MThe input matrix, \({\bf M}\).
[out]MoutThe output matrix, \({\bf M}_\text{out}\).

\[\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 2 & 3\end{bmatrix} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} 2 & 3 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\]

It is safe for M and Mout to point to the same matrix.

◆ vmCalcJ()

void vmCalcJ ( vcsbeam_context *  vm)

Computes the (inverse) Jones matrix \({\bf J}^{-1} = \left({\bf D}{\bf B}\right)^{-1}\).

\({\bf J}^{-1}\) is the Jones matrix that converts from instrumental voltages to sky voltages, according to

\[ \begin{aligned} {\bf e} &= {\bf J}^{-1} {\bf v}, \\ \begin{bmatrix} e_x \\ e_y \end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} J_{xq} & J_{xp} \\ J_{yq} & J_{yp} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} v_q \\ v_p \end{bmatrix}. \end{aligned} \]

It is computed by multiplying the instrumental calibration Jones matrix with the beam model matrix, and taking the inverse

\[{\bf J}^{-1} = \left({\bf D}{\bf B}\right)^{-1},\]

where \({\bf D}\) is taken from vm→D, and \({\bf B}\) from vm→pb.B. The result is stored in vm→J.

\({\bf J}^{-1}\) has dimensions \((N_a \times N_f \times N_p \times N_p)\), where

  • \(N_a\) is the number of antennas (vm→obs_metadata→num_ants)
  • \(N_f\) is the number of frequencies (vm→vm→nfine_chan)
  • \(N_p\) is the number of polarisation (vm→obs_metadata→num_ant_pols)

The antenna ordering is given by the "Antenna" keyword in the observation's metafits file. The frequencies are ordered from lowest to highest.

Issue #9

◆ vmCalcJonesAndDelays()

void vmCalcJonesAndDelays ( vcsbeam_context *  vm,
double *  ras_hours,
double *  decs_degs,
beam_geom *  beam_geom_vals 

Wrapper function for vmCalcPhi(), vmCalcB(), and vmCalcJ().

vmThe VCSBeam context struct
ras_hoursAn array of right ascensions, in decimal hours, one for each pointing.
decs_degsAn array of declinations, in decimal degrees, one for each pointing.
beam_geom_valsAn array of beam geometries, one for each pointing.

For each pointing, the quantities \(e^{i\varphi}\), \({\bf B}\), and \({\bf J}^{-1}\) are calculated. ( \({\bf D}\) is not recalculated, but is used in the calculation of \({\bf J}^{-1}\)).

◆ vmSetPolIdxLists()

void vmSetPolIdxLists ( vcsbeam_context *  vm)

Creates arrays of indexes for antennas and polarisation according to the ordering used in legacy VCS observations.

vmThe VCSBeam context struct

The index arrays are needed for pairing the antenna metadata with the voltage samples, which historically were ordered in a different way. Fortunately, the metafits file contains the VCS ordering in the "VCSOrder" field. This function converts these indexes into a lookup array that can be conveniently passed to GPU kernels at runtime. A separate array is made for each polarisation, with the indexes into the arrays being the metafits "Antenna" number, and the value stored in that array position being the "VCSOrder".

The metafits information is drawn from vm→obs_metadata, and the indexes are saved in vm→polP_idxs and vm→polQ_idxs.

No memory is allocated by this function. It is assumed that all arrays have been previously allocated, and are sufficiently large.